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Moroccan Animal Welfare Support Souss

A Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC051122

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We are a new charity, registered in Scotland, set up to help registered animal welfare charities in the Souss-Massa area of Morocco to access a global audience.


Animal welfare organisations based in Morocco not only have their work cut out to provide the care and support that animals need, but are challenged by the need to reach out to the wider world for financial and other support.


Our trustees have first hand experience of the conditions and challenges that these organisations face and have between them years of experience in supporting groups and individuals to grow and develop. 


We aim to start small but hope to grow.  With your support we can help not just the animals and the groups but the animal welfare environment in Morocco.

Our priorities

Home: Who We Are
  • To advance animal welfare by providing fundraising support for animal welfare organisations in and around the Souss-Massa area of Morocco that are properly registered with Moroccan charitable status.

  • To advance public health in Morocco by providing fundraising support for properly registered organisations in the Souss-Massa area of Morocco who are implementing vaccination campaigns to prevent the spread of rabies among the non-owned animal populations.

  • To support registered animal welfare organisations in the Souss-Massa area in their governance and management to operate properly and with accountability to their supporters.

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